Sunday, 18 November 2012

12 Nov - 18 Nov


2 sessions
Time: 2:00.00
Distance: 6000m


 4 sessions
Time: 4:02.54
Distance: 11.4 miles
Run 1 -11.4 miles, 1:30.34
Run 2 - 5.5 miles, 40.27, incl 19:33 5km effort
Run 3 - 6.2 miles obstacle course, 1:12.46
Run 4 - 6.0 miles, 39.07


 4 sessions
Time: 7:43.29
Distance:  118.9 miles
  Bike 1 - Turbo, 1:00.00
Bike 2 - 39.0 miles, 2:00.00
Bike 3 -70.2 miles, 4:06.41
Bike 4 - 9.7 miles, 36.48 (Abandoned)

Week Totals

10 sessions
Time: 13:44.56
Distance: 131.5 miles

Awesome week in all - nearly 14hours worth of good quality training!  The swimming is coming along nicely - I put a few sessions focusing on purely technique and left the speedwork out for a bit and I'm feeling the difference.  Will go back to a mix of speedwork, endurance and technique next week as per my Swim Smooth plan.  Running wise, I don't think I've ever been fitter.  I've definitely never been quicker!  I did a 5km effort for a bit of fun and surprised myself by quite comfortably doing a 19:33 (6:17min/mile).  I would have been pretty chuffed with that in a race situtation, but to do it on an open road, dodging public and slowing for junctions I'm very happy.  

I'm really enjoying running at the moment.  I've introduced long, slow runs (LSRs) into my training and I'm loving them.  I have no interest in pace on these runs really so I'm putting my Garmin in my backpocket and just using a basic stopwatch so I have a rough guide as to how much further I should go.  It's brought me back to the reasons I started training in the first place - because it's fun!  I love seeing the improvement in my performances that come with training, but I got into the sport because it's a laugh.  I did this lSR on Wednesday, which was the anniversary of the passing of a member of my family.  I had no qualms about stopping several times during the run to think about things, reminisce and remind myself of all the good times.  The weather was beautiful and for most of the run it was just me, the mud and some deer.  I've never felt happier running.

I did race this week, but it wasn't really a race.  I did the Men's Health Survival of the Fittest at Battersea Power Station with a group of 8 of my friends.  Racing off seemed a pointless exercise as not only was the course busy, but I wanted to enjoy the day with my mates.  A great day and I'll put up a little report once the pictures have been released.

Cycling wise I've had a good week.  Did a turbo session on my tri bike which was something I've been meaning to do for a while.  I'm feeling content with my position now after a turbulent few months getting it set up where at points I was distinctly hacked off with the whole process.  I now feel very comfy but also think I'm pretty aero, though almost certainly still some gains to be made.  Had a good ride out with a small group of Kingston Wheelers - the club I ride with.  There were only 3 of us but they are both very good cyclists and to be able to stick with them was awesome - if not a little surprising.  I worked out that I've actually only been properly training for triathlon for a maximum of 18months or so and I've only been part of the Kingston Wheelers for 11months.  I'm pretty pleased with the way things are going and it gives me hope that I could make a good go of this triathlon lark and do the best I can.

Only sour point this week was the abandoned bike ride on Sunday.  The armrest on my tri bike kept rattling loose, no matter how hard I tried to tighten it - I only had a multitool with me.  I think when the bike was re-cabled, the shop may have loosened some bolts and not realised how ridiculously over-tightened they need to be to stop any movement.  Never mind, lesson learnt.

Things to work on next week
  1. Threadlock the bolts on tri bike and torque them up!
  2. Do the Kingston Wheeler Winter Training Loop solo on tri bike.  Need to start getting some miles in on it and it'd be nice to do the course on a regular basis to assess improvement.
This week while I've been training, I've mostly been singing.....

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